Curriculum Policy

The school values the ethos of co-operation and care, where everyone is willing to listen and where everyone expects the same high standard of common courtesy and behavior. Students and adults want to learn and experience rich, creative, well planned and well-resourced curriculum of learning activities, which promote excellence. We all work in partnership, valuing and respecting each other, understanding our different responsibilities but all engaged in the task of improvement. Students and adults teach and learn in a clean, safe, enjoyable and non-threatening but stimulating environment, which is cared for, and valued by all. We recognise that each person is unique and has equal rights within a setting of tolerance and understanding.

We aim to raise achievement in beauty school as a vital key to improving the quality of life; acknowledging and challenging disadvantage and discrimination in all forms; value individuals and communities.

Acknowledge specific individual needs and meet them as far as possible within available resources; Provide wide and varied experiences, which are based upon VTCT Curriculum. Plan for exciting, stimulating and creative experiences supported by appropriate plans and schemes of work.

Concerns and Complaint Procedures

Due to the intensity of the course and the resulting pressure of studying, the smallest problem can sometimes create concern. Generally, these concerns are minor and are resolved quickly and easily. However, from time to time a serious concern may arise. To ensure due sensitivity in handling the matter and a fair outcome, the following procedure will help:

1. Discuss your concern at once with the other party to prevent the situation from getting worse. If you are unable to do so or are unhappy with the outcome, express your concern in writing via letter or email.

2. If this does not resolve the matter, the student can then lodge a formal complaint and forward it to the office manager Ms. Amy Boyle. The official complaint will be investigated by the office manager.

Throughout the complaints process, every effort will be made to acknowledge a formal complaint within five working days. You should then receive a written response within ten working days; unless there are exceptional circumstances, whereby you will be informed that more time is required to investigate the complaint thoroughly.

3. Should you continue to feel dissatisfied following the result of Stage 2, you should contact the Managing Director, Mr. Xubin Yuan in writing within seven working days of receiving the written response.

You will receive a letter from the Managing Director within five working days, acknowledging their request to further the complaint. The managing Director will then independently review the decision made in Stage 2, alongside all other relevant information.

You will receive a written response within fifteen working days unless there are exceptional circumstances in which students will be notified.

4. If you are unhappy with the way in which a school has dealt with the complaint at the formal stage, you may be able to approach our external awarding bodies such as VTCT. You can seek your own legal advice.

Additional Points

• Students currently registered and those who have graduated from the School within the last three years will qualify to lodge a complaint.

• The School reserves the right to refuse any complaint lodged more than three years after the incident to which it relates.

• The student will be consistently informed of the progress of their complaint during the complaint procedure and they will receive reasons in writing for any decision reached at each stage of the process.

• Students are entitled to be accompanied to any meeting by a member of the School, such as a peer or member of staff.

• The School is conscious of its duty to maintain the rights of those who are falsely accused within a complaint. Consequently, where a student is found to have manufactured an unfounded complaint or relied on false information, the School will exercise its Disciplinary Procedure in respect of the student’s conduct.

• Students are expected to conduct themselves during the complaints process in a reasonable manner; any aggressive or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated

• Thank you for continuing to work with the school, we appreciate your support and value your feedback. For further information, or advice on how to raise an issue, contact the School’s Education Manager.