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3 Ways to Keep Your Nails Healthy

Regular nail care results in healthy nails that you can be proud to take to work or out on the town. Your nail care plan can be simple and inexpensive.

You won’t need frequent manicures to maintain good-looking nails if you follow these eight simple tips.

1) Try Biotin


As long as you eat a healthy, varied diet, you don’t need any dietary supplements to guarantee strong nails. But, says Dr. Kleinsmith, people with weak nails may benefit from supplemental biotin, a B vitamin.

“Biotin has been shown to be helpful for strengthening and growing our nails,” she says. Kleinsmith admits she didn’t luck into strong nails by birth, and she has had success strengthening them by taking biotin every day.


2) Enjoy Polish

nail polish


Wearing nail polish isn’t going to harm your healthy nails, although you probably should give your nails a break on the polish periodically. As part of your home manicures, make sure you choose acetone-free nail polish remover when you decide to begin that break.

Wear gloves for better nail care when working with your hands, such as when you’re gardening or housecleaning, to protect the polish and keep dirt out of your nails.


3) Moisturize Cuticles

Moisturize Cuticles


Think of your cuticles like the protective caulking around a bathtub. If you cut them back too far or push them around too aggressively, you damage them. That, in turn, leaves your nail bed open to infection.

As part of regular nail care to maintain healthy nails, Kleinsmith advises moisturizing cuticles and not even pushing them back or trimming them at all, even during a professional manicure. Be aware of the signs of infection, including redness, pain, swelling, and even pus in your cuticles and the nearby skin. See a doctor for help treating any infection.

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