Be A Model – Microblading

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattooing technique used to enhance the appearance of eyebrows. It involves using a specialized handheld tool with tiny, fine-point needles to create hair-like strokes on the surface of the skin. These strokes are filled with pigment to mimic the look of natural eyebrow hairs.

Have you been considering getting Microblading for perfect brows but you don’t feel ready to pay full price for it yet? 

Then you should consider becoming a treatment model for Ray Cochrane Beauty Aesthetics Academy.

Our Microblading course is exclusively run for level 3 qualified beauty therapists or medical experts.  For the practical elements, our expert beauty therapists need to use live models to practice their Microblading technique, alongside receiving the treatment personally. To make this possible, we always require live models to be treated by our experienced trainees, under the constant supervision and guidance of our educators, as well as models for our tutor demos. 

If you live in London and are interested in free microblading treatments from professionals, check out our upcoming course dates and please fill out our form below, we will be in touch with the options available to you.

The quality of this treatment and our high standards will still be exactly the same as what you would receive at a private clinic appointment

And the best part? It’s substantially cheaper than the average salon price.

Our pigments, sourced from Permablend in the USA, ensure that colors fade true to their original shade. For the most natural-looking results, we use super fine blades (nano blades) that create strokes identical to real hair after healing.